Some of the best ideas happen in a bathtub. The scientist who came up with measuring volume realized how to do this in a bathtub and ran naked through the streets shouting "Eureka!" (If I remember correctly it was volume, or perhaps it was something else related to raising water levels)...
Anyway, I've found I do my best problem solving while I'm soaking in a tub and today was a perfect example. Armed with a smoke and a cup of coffee, I began thinking about The Big Lebowski action figures (thanks to my mentor's recent facebook link), which somehow led to a chicken costume, which led to solving the problem I have been having with the current work that I have pictured above.
I have been puzzled over it for weeks now- not quite sure where to take it. And it seemed so damn serious...a bit too much. I just read "The Butterfly and the Diving Bell" to gain insight into the thoughts of a person trapped by their own body. Their minds wander, fantasize, remember, in order to live a life that they are unable to with their bodies.
Well, I have decided that my comatose victim is going to be dreaming of someone in a chicken costume. Ridiculously perfect, and problem solved for now! It's so stupid, "how can I resist?"