I have been researching galleries in Portland like crazy! I'm looking for possibilities and juried shows. I found a juried show that I submitted to a couple of days ago and I should hear back within the next few days. I also submitted information over to an online magazine for a feature- PortlandTalentMag.com
Hopefully they have recieved the information...have been having quirky little problems with my krystalbooth.com email.
Also, I have been experiencing Divine Intervention lately in a big way. It's been extremely strange and exciting. The most noteworthy is that I went to the library the other day and checked out "Encounters with Great Painters" compiled by Goger Therond. The book has interviews and stories of several of the Western World's most celebrated artists with beautiful photos of the artists. I was reading the section about Francis Bacon and he stated what I have always felt and never had the words for. I have been struggling with my artist statement a bit for my current series and right there, in the type was the most clear answer to what I was looking for:
"Death is the only absolute we know of in life, the only clear certainty. Artists know nothing can be done about it. They are acutely aware of their coming annihilation, and the awareness of it follows them around like a shadow. I think this is why most artists are so alert to the fragility and fatuity of life, and to the vulnerability of their lives and the lives of others."
- Francis Bacon
Thank you God, Allah, Universal Energy- however you declare the all powerful- I know he/she/it was behind this. I could feel the "presto" energy of the moment and smiled with a great "Thank you!"
Don't you love when you find something that hits on your train of thought and validates it? I have that when designing shows sometimes and it is the greatest feeling. Congrats Latsyrk!
(P.S. Look I'm on your blog!)
Erica- Absolutely love it when that happens! It's so strange how it happens when you seem to need it the most. I also love that you are on the blog, dear! Thanks for taking the time, friend!
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