Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Your Voice on a Tape Recorder

Yesterday was a good day of painting.  I felt like I was making a breakthrough with the painting I refered to as the "defiant child" in my last post.  It seemed to be coming along, and making progress.

Today, not so much.  I stood back at the end of today's work session.  Everything about it seemed a bit off.  I had a completely opposing view of it than the day before.

It's amazing how your work can do that.  One minute you're thinking "Brilliant!" and a moment later you're thinking "DREADFUL!". 

I get annoyed with my own "style" that seems to be inescapable...kind of like when one hears his or her own voice over a tape recorder.  Your voice is your own, but it sounds all wrong, and there is no way to escape your particular quality of voice.  (I do have days when I can't stand my own voice without a tape recorder - those are the days when I quarantine myself to be able to not talk without feeling like I'm being rude.)

The marks I make are uniquely my own, and they just seemed overly clumsy today.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better session.

As it is, I'm guessing that this painting will be done within about a week or so.  It will feel good to have it accomplished!

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