Saturday, January 5, 2013


Inside the apartment with little scribbles of ink...

Daily Sketch (K Booth)
Right now, it doesn't look like this.  Matthew is at work and the cats have found other ways to entertain themselves besides laying on my lap or in the middle of the floor.  For now, I'm left to myself with a little chunk of time to make count for something.  It's my day off to spend smartly.

Sometimes there are so many projects, and things to get done that I easily get overwhelmed, and end up spending the whole day avoiding everything.  I hide in my corner...meaning I get on facebook, watch youtube music videos, call loved ones, and make weird cleaning decisions such as instead of doing the pile of dishes, a cupboard that we haven't opened in a month will get cleaned, sorted, and organized.  I'll clean what no one will notice, but will give me a little satisfaction that I didn't waste the whole day - afterall, I called my parents, a best friend, and I cleaned a cupboard. 

Today is a different day, and I've been making some drastic changes over the course of the last month.  I keep taking it one day at a time, and finally I'm feeling and seeing some results that are worthwhile.  We are the sum of our everyday.  Every single day develops us into the people we are and the people we are becoming whether or not we show up to do our projects, or tackle our lists.  This is finally being absorbed into my brain!  Good grief, what took it so long? 

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