Monday, February 4, 2013

Wake 'N' Paint

Armed with a cup of coffee and messy hair, I am painting this morning.

The battle of waking up earlier has been won, though it has been a difficult one to defeat.  My new time to wake up is between 5:30 to 6:00 AM.  This will help fit in a morning studio session before going off to my part-time job.  Any way we can slip in some more studio time is a good thing for our creative endeavors.

In college, I always hated the 9:00-11:45 studio schedule.  I may have loved the class, but that schedule was a difficult one to get my stubborn mind to enjoy.  My attitude was always eyes half shut and believed that I wasn't awake enough to be creative.  Looking back, I now remember that even though a haze of fog may have been circling, it was easy to focus.  That censor in my brain, the perfectionist, was still pushing the doze button and didn't care what I was making in the morning.  The chatter of what errands I needed to run and assignments that were due was quiet.

One of the goals behind the 100 Works challenge is developing a consistant studio practice.  It is one of the most important things in order to improve and gain any momentum.  I know this, though I have been resistant in the past.

For you artists out there, when do you like to work on your creative projects?  How have you balanced time to create with other daily responsibilities?  I would enjoy hearing your different solutions!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great start to your week!


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