Why is this painting titled "America's Most Wanted"? George Washington standing among children, deer and a hippo on the bank of a blue landscape...what is this?
This painting was created by Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid based upon their research of the most wanted and least wanted art in different countries around the world - this one was the compilation of what Americans wanted to see in paintings.
I just started reading The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure, and Human Evolution by Denis Dutton and already by page 18, it has my attention. It is a great mix of my loves of anthropology, art, and sociology. In short, I will be geeking out until I turn the last page of this book.
Komar and Melamid turned their extensive research into somewhat of a prank - what is not to love about that? They turned the favorable variables into paintings that no one would want to buy and hang...but I don't know. The more absurd something is, the more I love it. I would buy it because it's so ridiculous. How about you? Why do people think art always needs to be so darn serious anyway?
For more paintings that they created for this project and their data results, check out their site at http://awp.diaart.org/km/usa/most.html
Cheers to Komar and Melamid! And I guess if I would like to sell more art I should make blue landscapes or calendar art?... or George Washington petting a puppy in front of a river with mountains? Perhaps I will leave that to others...