Wednesday, April 18, 2012

An Unfurling

This is the drawing that is now finished, and I'm kind of struggling with a title.  For now I'm calling it "The Unfurling of Eight".

The Unfurling of Eight, 2012, Krystal Booth
Ink and watercolor on paper collage, 18x24".

I am pleased with how the drawing and layer studies have combined.  During one of the last posts, I wondered if and when these experiments would combine - little did I know it would be this week!

The oil painting series - "Object" - is going to be an ongoing thing, I've decided.  Time needs to lapse between the works for content reasons.  In the meantime, I'll be making horrificly arranged chicken scratches in the good ol' sketchbook to figure out the next drawings in this series.

Not to mention, I'm still wanting to do some more landscapes.  This is getting to be ridiculous!  I'm putting too many things on my plate at once perhaps, but I just would really love to work on all of these.  Is it possible to be too greedy with ideas?  I know that there are two more ideas waiting in the wings as well that I have put on the back burner for more development in the future.

Sometimes ideas are difficult to come by and those times are frustrating.  However, when the ideas are too many to be carried through all at once, it can become equally torturous.  I am on an uncertain time limit and I have to choose somewhat wisely while still allowing for creative play.  Ever since I turned thirty-four I have felt more urgency.  Is it an age thing, or just part of a creative cycle?  Perhaps a combination?  Do you go through this?


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