Friday, October 1, 2010

Posting and Procrastinating

I've been posting a lot lately...on this, on twitter, on tumblr blog. Well, not TONS but more than I usually do. What's up with that? (Am now hearing the SNL song in my head)...

Could it be that I am procrastinating? Unable to make the final push towards the show. Not having discipline enough to face just two more blank panels all gessoed and ready to go? I am calling myself out on this. I'm finding that I procrastinate right after I start something. I will do about an hour of work and then so conveniently get sidetracked onto something else. It's hard to sit still in front of my easel for a long time somedays, especially right before it is supposed to be ready. I never miss a deadline, but seriously, do I just love the stress of last minute? How about you, dear readers, when do you procrastinate the most?


A said...

I procrastinate ALL THE TIME! When I was in college, not once did I ever have a paper done before the day it was due.

The stress was hell, but I think I worked better under the pressure. And there was always the excuse that if the paper got a bad grade, I could use the excuse that I waited till the last minute so that's why it sucked. lol

Krystal Booth said...

That's hilarious! Love that excuse! You brought me to the time I did a plaster sculpture the night before. I stayed up all night and by the time the class started, I was terrible in attitude. The professor asked, "Krystal, would you change anything about it?" I simply said "No", and the sculpture was a hot mess. The class was silent. The professor just looked at me over his eyeglasses and giggled at my straight face. It was obvious I was being a terd. I regret that moment- but didn't miss the deadline! ha!

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