Friday, January 7, 2011

Albert Einstein on the Brain

Since my last post, I have been unable to get Albert Einstein out of my head.  My curiosities are peaked about what he was really like, and I can only gain clues from pictures, quotes, and his work.  I have always been intrigued with the man- afterall, I did dress up as him for Halloween 2009 due to my admiration.  Yet recently The Artist's Way has only encouraged my fascination, as one of the tasks this week has been to list five people I admire and why.

I included Mr. Einstein in this list.  He used his brilliance to the fullest, had clarity of thought, and balanced work and play.  I stopped writing after I listed these and questioned if he indeed had balance.  What would lead me to say that?  I have no idea what his daily life was composed of, but yet this idea of the way he lived had entered into my perception.

Okay, it's obvious that the man worked.  He had so many ideas that it's truly difficult to believe that one person came up with all of these theories in a single lifetime, and yet he did.

So what makes me believe that he found time for play?  The photos for one thing- the photo of him sticking his tongue out, pictures of him laughing, riding a bike, and walking with his wife.  And how about the quotes?  They reveal a charm about him and a sense of wit.  He stressed the importance of creativity and intuition.

I'm betting that he did indeed lead a balanced life...a fulfilling life.  I really wish that I could have some sort of insight into how he did this.  I'm seriously wishing that he had written a book about this- Creating a Balanced Life by Albert Einstein- I believe that now more than ever it would be on the best sellers list.

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