Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Catch Up

I did not post this last Sunday about the Artist's Way...not feeling a huge loss about not talking about Chapter I think I may be the only one who reads these entries. ha!  Besides, rules are made to be broken, right?  I will post about Chapter 12 (the final week) this next Sunday.

I rearranged my schedule last week!  Found my groove!  It includes 6 hours of studio time per day, along with a 2 mile walk/jog and another session of exercise.  What can I say, I want to lose weight.  Here are my week results...
* I finished a big painting measuring about 6'x 18"'s tall and narrow.  I'll have pictures posted soon when the day is good for photographing it.

* Have gained 3 pounds.  Awesome.  Obviously not the result I was hoping for... :)  Talked to a good friend yesterday and he said that it is probably water retention and not to get all anxious over it...because I have been anxious about it.  But nevermind, it's all good, I'll be just fine, it will all eventually come off, I will feel fabulous even if I end up being able to jog 5 miles straight weighing 500 pounds...if that happened, I could go on the Biggest Loser, meet Jillian and Bob and cry on TV.  It's a win-win!


Also, I'd like to note here that I was going to remark on the morning pages I write everyday.  This was prompted by a task of reading back through all of them for the Artist's Way.  Julia Cameron wanted some reflection over the three pages of writing I have produced over the past eleven weeks...

They were so boring to read that I almost feel asleep while reading week one's entries and called it a day...the "day" has now been the duration of over a week.  So yeah, BORING, BORING, BORING!  I'll try to push through today a bit...though I dread it.  I guess this is a good reminder to put interesting things in it as I continue to write my morning pages.  Randomly write the word "sex", draw pictures of the host of "Beast Hunter", and make up really creative lies and a frog knocked my door down last night, and now the band "Flock of Seagulls" is playing in my bedroom.  You know, that kind of stuff.  I would read that.

Happy St. Patricks Day, Dear Readers!

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