Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Look up!

Beautiful evening sky in Portland on my way home tonight -

Intense orange red behind blues, gray purples, warm gold tones above with peach -
After I took the photos there was a guy with earphones across the street walking by and watching me.  I looked at him and pointed at the sky.  He looked at the top of a light post.  He glanced over at me again and I pointed again this time saying loudly, "The sky!" with a smile.  Again he looked at the top of the light post and just brushed me off.  He probably thought I was crazy and seeing imaginary leprechans dancing on the top of the post.
One who has not learned to see the everyday beauty all around them lives a life of true poverty.  But I guess that depends on your perspective - I was missing out on the music he was listening to afterall. haha
I hope you are admiring the beauty in your part of the world as much as possible.  Love to all!



Unknown said...


I enjoyed browsing your art. Is there a button that allows you to follow?
Trish (BlackCrowCurios)

Krystal Booth said...

Hi Trish!

Thanks for visiting! If you click on the follow button above the followers that should do it, or you can copy and paste the browser address and add it to your list if you follow other blogs. Let me know if these don't work! Thank you very much for the follow, Trish!


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