These are the two works that I am currently submitting for “The Good, The Bad, The Money” exhibition.
I put off sending in my entry into the 42 Gallery for long enough- I finally sent it out today! Hoorah! Now all I have to do is wait…and look for the next opportunities!
I took a career/personality quiz today for the heck of it. My boyfriend, Matthew, took it earlier today, and it sounded weird and interesting. He is an artist too, and voila! The personality quiz told him that his ideal career would be as an artist. I was wondering what mine would say…I was preparing myself for something like restroom attendant, cheese maker, or miner. I took the quiz- weird questions- drinking milk past expiration, to call fire department or not, create list or get to work… anyway, according to the test I am a Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving type, and indeed, artist was at the top of the list. Evidently artists throw milk out at the expiration, look for the fire first, do not call plumbers, do not take our cars into the mechanic when we probably should, and create lists before we work, instead of just working immediately…sounds about right…J