Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Day After

The Day After…

Top Ten Things I Learned From the Opening Last Night…

10. Print off as many color copies of your brochure as possible, and do not bother with black and white copies for several reasons…I am now speaking from experience…

9. Follow the advice of NOT showing up with an EMPTY mailing list. I did. It was pristinely blank upon arrival, and it struggled to even get half-filled. I simply forgot…I’ll write it up as a social experiment I guess.

8. Be bold in approaching people looking at your work. I did it once last night to people who, as soon as I opened my mouth, I could tell were not really that interested. It felt awkward and so I failed to be so bold for the rest of the night…I need practice.

7. Definitely bring gum or mints, because you will be talking- a lot! After all, I am not in the business of burning off other’s nose hairs, and I am so glad that I remembered gum.

6. Bring a wall case for displaying brochures, business cards, and displaying your mailing list by your work. (I wasn’t quite organized enough to even think about that detail…)

5. Enjoy the pointing and laughing by immature boys at one of the male genitals you drew. At least someone is noticing your efforts! (That particular penis took me 2 hours to make it look right and it was the size of 2 grains of rice! Glad someone appreciated the small details! Ha!)

4. Have business cards on hand and displayed. I need to prepare some for the next show.

3. Wear comfortable shoes.

2. Have cake and wine afterwards with friends, while laughing hysterically at

1. Enjoy your friends, loved ones, and fellow artists. Enjoy the atmosphere. Laugh a lot. If someone comes up to you for a hug, just do it. They’ll explain later, and we all need random hugs from strangers.

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