Monday, February 1, 2010

Where to Begin?


Welcome to Blank Canvas! This blog is going to catalogue my journey of getting my artwork out into the world. It seems as if I just woke up. During the past few years, I was putting off showing my work because I was waiting for this epiphany of greatness. I didn't want to show my work prematurely and be embarrassed years later when my "masterpieces" began to flow. Several more experienced artists give that advice to young artists, so I followed it, and I followed it well.

Well, I did have an epiphany, but it wasn't exactly what I had been waiting for. I turned 32 a few weeks ago. I am realizing that time is gaining momentum, the last few years in particular have been ridiculously short, and if I didn't get my artwork out there now, when will I? It's too easy to sit back and say, " My work is not good enough yet." Well, forget that! I don't have time for that.

Now, I am finally understanding that if every artist followed this advice, we probably wouldn't have very much to look at. Empty museums, blank billboards, every CD cover would look like the Beatles, "White Album", or Spinal Tap's "Black Album", and there certainly wouldn't be a cheesy poster to stare at on the ceiling of the ob/gyn.

I've made my point, and now it begins...

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