Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Madness: What Statement Are You Making?


I scheduled an appointment with an eye doctor after performing a less than stellar job on reading the chart at the doctor's office (I swear there is a "7" on line 5).  Anyway, I realized that because I have been spoiled rotten over the years by not needing them, and I really haven't paid attention to the fashion of glasses.  I always loved my Mom's reading glasses that she is continually losing (though she will find them later on top of her head along with 2 other pairs).  She buys the fun ones with bold colors and fun patterns. My best friend always bought great pairs of eyeglasses as well that look amazing on her.  They reveal her fun-loving, and bold personality as they frame her blue eyes perfectly.

I feel like a pre-teen decorating my room.  I remember asking myself - what do I want my room to say about me?  How can I translate me into an enviroment and/or products?  It seems like it's a habit of living in a consumer driven culture.  We express ourselves through products, clothes, home decor, hair styles, purses, and cars.  It's shallow, and isn't my ideal situation, but it's true whether we like it or not.

I have never been much of a fashionista.  At all.  I don't really have that clothing thing down and on most days those people would probably describe me as a "hot mess".  "Hot" meaning "urgently horrible".  So now to pick out glasses essentially means that I am chosing one outfit to wear everyday.  It demands a commitment.  It is something people will immediately see when they meet you.  I don't want to accidently pick out the pair that says "My favorite pants are sweats", just as I don't want another to say, "I only have time for business."

So if you wear glasses, what made you choose the pair that you did besides price?  How did you make the decision or what did you want your glasses to say about you?

In the spirit of this, the following pictures of glasses are for your viewing pleasure.

Glasses say:  He's the mole.

Glasses say:  Senile, but conventional...if the moon were made out of cheese would you eat it?

Glasses say:  I will severely crush you.

Glasses say:  I am a Reverend.

Glasses say:  We still love MC Hammer and will go to great lengths to search for him.

Glasses SCREAM:  Elton John - The King of Glasses



A said...

I do not like the current trend of having the temple (the arms of the glasses) be 1-inch think.

I like mine simple. Of course I'm probably not the best judge because I rarely wear my glasses outside of the house. LOL

Go with what you like. Try on every single pair in the doctor's office if you need to, and don't let them force you into something you won't like!

Krystal Booth said...

I followed your advice of not letting them be pushy! :) I'm just so happy that I can see!! The difference is amazing!

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