Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Saint of Seizing the Day and Guilt-free Mess

As I drink my last cup of coffee for the morning and plan out my day of painting, I look about the apartment and realize that it needs some attention too.  Curses.

Now a certain artist comes to mind that is making me feel much better about my sweatpant attire, two loads of laundry stacked up and the mild disarray of the apartment.  He makes the guilt melt away.  His name was Chaim Soutine.

Chaim Soutine

He lived at the beginning of the Twentieth Century and died in 1943 at the age of 49, but before that was known as a man of filth.  Don't get me wrong, his work as an artist is truly revered and he was passionate about his work.  In this way, he was wildly successful in how he spent his energy.  He did a lot of paintings of slaughtered animals and figures and for this, he had to have visual references, right?  Well, he did. 

He had an ox carcass in his studio that he kept for so long that the strong stench worked it's way out of his studio causing complaints.  The police were eventually called and they removed it.  I'm sure that his neighbors were cheering.

His personal hygiene also left much to be desired.  He didn't bath often, wore the same outfit for weeks on end and actually ended up having bed bugs in his ear.  IN HIS EAR!!  I think it's fair to say that he took Bohemian living to an unknown level.

So, if you look about your living room and it does not look like a interior design photograph, do not feel bad.  If you would rather spend the day following your passions, by all means do it!  Chiam is the example to help us not feel guilty.  I'm willing to bet that what we feel is messy is Chiam's vision of cleanliness.  So seize the day!  Don't do all of the things on your "Must Do" list that suck all of the energy out of the fun of your life.  The cleaning will still be there after you have your fun.  Seize the day!

Unless you have an ox carcass going on, or haven't bathed for a couple of days...perhaps there are some necessary priorities.

Enjoy your weekend guilt-free, my friends!  INDULGE!  :)

CAUTION:  This post may actually have the opposite effect and may motivate you to clean.  Afterall, bedbugs in the ear is a pretty powerful image.  So if you find yourself in this boat of thought, make your cleaning fun and blare that music! 

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