Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Artist Cycle of Satisfaction and Disappointment: What is this?

What will it take to be any good?
Sketch of Matthew (Daily Quick Study/Exercise)
 Krystal Booth, Ink on 8x6" paper
It will take diligence, persistance, patience, and several other words ending with -ence or -ance, which I often can't remember which word is spelled with which.
It's a bit depressing at times when I look back at works and think, "That's crap."  Several of these are shoved away in my closet.  Some are recent, and some are from college, and still some are from high school.  It gets to feeling a little defeating.
But then I'll decide, well this time I'll paint my heart out, and I won't give in until it's just the way I want it.  I get it done.  I'm satisfied for the time being.  Then a few months later, I again think, "That's crap."
Is this normal?  Is this progress?  Or is it just a defeating point of view?  I'm just not sure what it is, but I definitely experience it often.  If it's not normal, how can I think differently?  Do I need to?  Or is this what other artists go through too.  Will this ever end?
Someday will a reach a level of skill that suddenly defeats this "That's crap" mentality?  Is that possible?  Or will it forever be this wicked cycle of love and hate for what one puts out into the world and that's just part of being an artist?

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