Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Hunting Cat

I have enjoyed watching this cat for the past year.  His/her trusting parents (guardians, owners, maids, butlers) live a few doors down from us in the apartment complex.

Anticipator of Breakfast, 2012, K Booth
Daily Sketch - Ink on 8x6" paper.
When the weather was warm, I enjoyed a majority of my mornings on the small patio writing and planning out the day with a cup of coffee.  It was quiet in the morning with ample chances to witness the squirrels traveling from tree to tree, and the birds pecking around in the soil like a little worm patrol.  Our two cats would be chirping and doing their hunting noises from croutched postures on the other side of the screen door.
We have never allowed or trusted our cats enough to just roam about outside alone.  Like an overly protective mother with anxiety issues, I would be a mess if they ever went out into the world alone.  Luckily, they honestly have no desire to go out - they have had so many opportunities to make a speedy dash, but have never cared...except for maybe when the birds come around.
The cat above definitely has a very trusting guardian and spent most of it's days outside lurking around the property investigating everything day after day.  It too became a great admirer of the small squirrels, but luckily they were too fast for his/her stealthy attack methods.  It was somewhat of the coyote and roadrunner type of situation until finally, one morning the cat just simply sat there.  I don't know if it was just doing a zen exercise on patience, or if it was the cat equivalent of holding up a white flag.  Maybe it was the final stand, but after that day, I didn't see the cat bother with going to that tree anymore.
On cold days like today, I look forward to spring and wonder what I'll be observing this time around.  Hopefully, there will be acme contraptions involved.

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