I delivered my work to "The Tribute Gallery" on this past Saturday and all is well. I forwarded the price for the piece, and now it's all about figuring out what to wear for the opening. :)
I have realized that I will need to buy a better light for the room I paint in- the natural light here in Portland is not going to be as great as it is now forever. The rainy season is going to be coming up before too long, and I would really love to work past daylight hours too! I was researching tons of information about the best bulbs for artists and reading color. So far, the best seems to be a Compact Flourescent Bulb that gives off around 5000 K and is at least 75 Watts...whatever that all means. :) I'm not even going to try to tell you about the science behind it, because I can't. Like Samm and his vitamin pills.
About Lighting...It is now time for MONDAY MADNESS!!!
So I was thinking about Monday Madness, and what I would write about light. I started thinking about posting "Ultraviolet" by U2, or maybe "Even Better Than the Real Thing". THEN I CRACKED THE CODE!!! It seems that a lot of the songs that I love by U2 seem to have lyrics that deal with light, especially on 'Achtung Baby'. It's crazy! Their lyrics often give off the imagery of light or lack there of, for instance:
"to drag the past out into the light"
"when it's one need in the night" - from "One"
"last time we met it was a low-lit room" - from "Until the End of the Word"
"It's no secret that the stars are falling from the sky,
It's no secret that our world is in darkness tonight,
They say the sun is sometimes eclipsed by the moon" - from "The Fly"
"Lift my days, light up my nights"
"Let her pale light in to fill up your room" - from "Mysterious Ways"
"Sunrise like a nosebleed" - from "Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around the World"
"The day is as dark as the night it long"
"Light my way"
"Your love was a light bulb hanging over my bed" - "Ultraviolet"
"Blow out the candle" - from "Love is Blindness"
And I know there are more besides just on this album! Afterall look at the song "Lemon". Right off the bat- "See through in the sunlight, she wore lemon, but never in the daylight". This is crazy!!!
Okay, so am now appearing to have gone completely mad and obsessed. I am making myself stop now- must...walk...away...from...the...keys... :)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Finished #5 and Submitted It! Hoorah, Hooray!
I have finished my fifth work in the Huddleston Series and it was a fun one! I loved working on the wrinkles in his skin and trying to figure out the colors. I am really excited about this one- I feel like it is showing a progression of some sort.
I photographed it today, and then instantly submitted it for a show in Cincinnati through the wonders of email. I feel so spoiled by the ease of submitting for shows by email- thankfully, I never had to do the whole slides thing. At least not yet... Anyway, wish me luck! Also, if you would like to see a bigger image of this, just go to my website @ www.krystalbooth.com
Thanks! Gotta go get started on #6!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday Madness!!!
Our cat, Olive, is driving me crazy today! Today she is choosing to stop meowing only if she is sleeping, or if I am holding her while I paint. So, I thought it'd be fitting to post this video of her for Monday Madness- a time when she was a bit less loud and entertaining us with a trick she made up one night. Happy Monday Madness!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Like Seinfeld- I even out!
This week my work was both accepted and rejected by two galleries, and I'm happy about each one. Okay, so yeah, it's not exactly ideal to be rejected, but I'm excited about the fact that I'm participating. I am celebrating both! All about balance here. :)
My work will be showing at "The Tribute Gallery" in NW Portland beginning on September 2 (opening is the first Thursday Art Walk) through the 28th in a group show called "Trans-IT-ions". Extremely excited about this opportunity, and will be dropping off my work this week! Hoorah, hooray!
My work will be showing at "The Tribute Gallery" in NW Portland beginning on September 2 (opening is the first Thursday Art Walk) through the 28th in a group show called "Trans-IT-ions". Extremely excited about this opportunity, and will be dropping off my work this week! Hoorah, hooray!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tonight I was involved in a facebook drama that was unnecessary and ridiculous. Drama on facebook- is it a surprise? Anyway, typed communication seems to really be a thorn in my side sometimes. People read things the wrong way. I don't understand how friends read text and suddenly assume the worst. This has happened twice in the past two weeks to me. Is it the heat that is making people read things so grouchily? Or is it the fact that I assume people know me and my personality better than they really do? Maybe it's a combo deal? Anyway, this whole typing topic brings me to
Today I will tell you a story concerning typing- I know, it doesn't really sound that entertaining, but it is one of my top 10 embarrassing moments.
I was taking a computer typing class in high school. The teacher was an extreme type A personality and everything that we did had to be exact or else an insane amount of points were taken off. I was intimidated by this, and it set the stage for the first assignment we were given. The teacher told us to type out this paper about Julia Roberts in the exact format as what was on the paper before us. Perfection was necessary, or you would need to start all over again. How easy is that? So I took my time and was proud of my work when I handed it in at his desk. I was confident that everything was correct. A few minutes later I hear the teacher demand furiously, "Who turned in a paper with 'Mr. Malone' on it? Who wrote my name instead of their own?" The class roared with laughter, with a few saying, "What an idiot!" as Mr. Malone stared out of his heavy brows into the sea of laughing faces.
i did. I raised my hand. I was so red that I was sweating. Huge smile. Nervous giggles... one of the best worst first impressions I ever made I think. Still makes me laugh out loud though, so perhaps it was worth it.
Today I will tell you a story concerning typing- I know, it doesn't really sound that entertaining, but it is one of my top 10 embarrassing moments.
I was taking a computer typing class in high school. The teacher was an extreme type A personality and everything that we did had to be exact or else an insane amount of points were taken off. I was intimidated by this, and it set the stage for the first assignment we were given. The teacher told us to type out this paper about Julia Roberts in the exact format as what was on the paper before us. Perfection was necessary, or you would need to start all over again. How easy is that? So I took my time and was proud of my work when I handed it in at his desk. I was confident that everything was correct. A few minutes later I hear the teacher demand furiously, "Who turned in a paper with 'Mr. Malone' on it? Who wrote my name instead of their own?" The class roared with laughter, with a few saying, "What an idiot!" as Mr. Malone stared out of his heavy brows into the sea of laughing faces.
i did. I raised my hand. I was so red that I was sweating. Huge smile. Nervous giggles... one of the best worst first impressions I ever made I think. Still makes me laugh out loud though, so perhaps it was worth it.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Submitting Work & Divine Intervention
I have been researching galleries in Portland like crazy! I'm looking for possibilities and juried shows. I found a juried show that I submitted to a couple of days ago and I should hear back within the next few days. I also submitted information over to an online magazine for a feature- PortlandTalentMag.com
Hopefully they have recieved the information...have been having quirky little problems with my krystalbooth.com email.
Also, I have been experiencing Divine Intervention lately in a big way. It's been extremely strange and exciting. The most noteworthy is that I went to the library the other day and checked out "Encounters with Great Painters" compiled by Goger Therond. The book has interviews and stories of several of the Western World's most celebrated artists with beautiful photos of the artists. I was reading the section about Francis Bacon and he stated what I have always felt and never had the words for. I have been struggling with my artist statement a bit for my current series and right there, in the type was the most clear answer to what I was looking for:
"Death is the only absolute we know of in life, the only clear certainty. Artists know nothing can be done about it. They are acutely aware of their coming annihilation, and the awareness of it follows them around like a shadow. I think this is why most artists are so alert to the fragility and fatuity of life, and to the vulnerability of their lives and the lives of others."
- Francis Bacon
Thank you God, Allah, Universal Energy- however you declare the all powerful- I know he/she/it was behind this. I could feel the "presto" energy of the moment and smiled with a great "Thank you!"
Hopefully they have recieved the information...have been having quirky little problems with my krystalbooth.com email.
Also, I have been experiencing Divine Intervention lately in a big way. It's been extremely strange and exciting. The most noteworthy is that I went to the library the other day and checked out "Encounters with Great Painters" compiled by Goger Therond. The book has interviews and stories of several of the Western World's most celebrated artists with beautiful photos of the artists. I was reading the section about Francis Bacon and he stated what I have always felt and never had the words for. I have been struggling with my artist statement a bit for my current series and right there, in the type was the most clear answer to what I was looking for:
"Death is the only absolute we know of in life, the only clear certainty. Artists know nothing can be done about it. They are acutely aware of their coming annihilation, and the awareness of it follows them around like a shadow. I think this is why most artists are so alert to the fragility and fatuity of life, and to the vulnerability of their lives and the lives of others."
- Francis Bacon
Thank you God, Allah, Universal Energy- however you declare the all powerful- I know he/she/it was behind this. I could feel the "presto" energy of the moment and smiled with a great "Thank you!"
Monday, August 9, 2010
New feature! Monday Madness!
I just read how blogs can be attractive to viewers by getting a bit sidetracked with what things remind you of...and with only 9 wonderful followers of this blog at this point, I have a lot to learn. (To my followers an obvious big thank you is headed in your direction!!!) So I have decided that every Monday I will be... wait for it...wait for it...
I will look at what's going on around me- objects, events, everyday stuff- and tell you something that it reminds me of. Maybe it will be a story of the ages, maybe it will be an embarrassing moment, maybe it will be a Captain-Insane-O situation. The possibilities are endless, and you, by dear readers, will be astounded with your overwhelming sense of anticipation of what will be next!
In fact, this reminds me of the anticipation I feel for my grandmother's Butterscotch Pie at family functions- this luxurious cream pie is a family favorite and sure to please at your next get together whether it be gamers convention, a car expo, or a retirement home.
Grandma Kain's Butterscotch Pie Recipe
1 stick of melted butter
1 c. Brown sugar
1/3 c. flour or 3 T cornstarch
1 can Milnot and add milk until you have 2cups total of milnot/milk mixture
3 egg yolks
pinch of salt
2 capfulls of vanilla
Use a cast iron skillet if possible- have no idea why, but my family says it's better when you do this. Anyway, melt butter in the skillet over medium heat and add in brown sugar. Allow the sugar to melt a bit while mixing it around. Then add the flour. Cook this and stir like crazy (if you don't it will taste like crap). Add in the milnot/milk mixture gradually while stirring- definitely do not want it lumpy. Add in yolks, salt, vanilla and cook until thick and smooth. You can put this pudding in an already done pie crust, top it with meringue, or just grab a spoon and go for the diabetic coma. Good Times, good times. (And I wonder how I've always been at least slightly overweight all of my life...hmmmm....)
And there you have it! Let the MONDAY MADNESS begin!!!
I will look at what's going on around me- objects, events, everyday stuff- and tell you something that it reminds me of. Maybe it will be a story of the ages, maybe it will be an embarrassing moment, maybe it will be a Captain-Insane-O situation. The possibilities are endless, and you, by dear readers, will be astounded with your overwhelming sense of anticipation of what will be next!
In fact, this reminds me of the anticipation I feel for my grandmother's Butterscotch Pie at family functions- this luxurious cream pie is a family favorite and sure to please at your next get together whether it be gamers convention, a car expo, or a retirement home.
Grandma Kain's Butterscotch Pie Recipe
1 stick of melted butter
1 c. Brown sugar
1/3 c. flour or 3 T cornstarch
1 can Milnot and add milk until you have 2cups total of milnot/milk mixture
3 egg yolks
pinch of salt
2 capfulls of vanilla
Use a cast iron skillet if possible- have no idea why, but my family says it's better when you do this. Anyway, melt butter in the skillet over medium heat and add in brown sugar. Allow the sugar to melt a bit while mixing it around. Then add the flour. Cook this and stir like crazy (if you don't it will taste like crap). Add in the milnot/milk mixture gradually while stirring- definitely do not want it lumpy. Add in yolks, salt, vanilla and cook until thick and smooth. You can put this pudding in an already done pie crust, top it with meringue, or just grab a spoon and go for the diabetic coma. Good Times, good times. (And I wonder how I've always been at least slightly overweight all of my life...hmmmm....)
And there you have it! Let the MONDAY MADNESS begin!!!
Intimidated? It's just a panel!
So yesterday I began working on my fourth painting in my current series and it was like trying to get a child with severe ADHD to sit down for more than 5 minutes without anything to do. Seriously. I was wandering the apartment, and then wonder how I got there. I was avoiding the current panel. It was intimidating me. The dimensions are bigger than the other ones I have completed, and the composition is going to possibly be a bit of a challenge to pull off...but I'm definitely going to try! There are three bars that vertically split up the figure, but I absolutely adore the idea of trying it...if only I could get myself to sit still long enough without getting intimidated.
My trick lately to getting myself to sit down long enough to experience flow has been to listen to laid back music I can ignore for the most part- Elton John, Aimee Mann, Fiona Apple, Billy Joel, and OK Computer. Yesterday it was the radio...obviously I need to switch back to listening to CDs...I know that I will be made fun of for this list of music artists because well, they have absolutely nothing in common with eachother as a group, and yeah, some of it isn't exactly the "cool" thing to listen to, but there you have it. My lame music works for me. Hopefully Elton, Aimee, Fiona, Billy, and Thom can come through for me today- I can't let that thin board with gesso intimidate me!!!
My trick lately to getting myself to sit down long enough to experience flow has been to listen to laid back music I can ignore for the most part- Elton John, Aimee Mann, Fiona Apple, Billy Joel, and OK Computer. Yesterday it was the radio...obviously I need to switch back to listening to CDs...I know that I will be made fun of for this list of music artists because well, they have absolutely nothing in common with eachother as a group, and yeah, some of it isn't exactly the "cool" thing to listen to, but there you have it. My lame music works for me. Hopefully Elton, Aimee, Fiona, Billy, and Thom can come through for me today- I can't let that thin board with gesso intimidate me!!!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
#3 is Complete
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Amazing Book for All Artists!

I was looking for a book that would motivate and help me gain some consistency in my creative work. I definitely found that and more when I picked up this book! Eric Maisel's "Coaching the Artist Within" (2005) gives brilliant advice and guidance to artists of all types. It is motivating without the fluffy-feel-good kind of stuff that fades as soon as you put down the book. His words have staying power that resonate. It is not a book to passively read. It is an interaction with writing prompts to help artists realize their potential, develop discipline, and grow in their dedication and understanding of their creative work. It has caused me to push myself further than I would have- had I not read this book. I finished reading this a week ago, and I'm happy to say that I have finished three new paintings from start to finish over the past two and a half weeks. Maisel really caused me to wake up and get going! I highly recommend this read to all artists, and especially to those who are just beginning their creative professions.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sleepless & Staring at a Ghost
I find myself unable to sleep and obsessing over my current painting. Just staring at it as I lay in bed. I worked on her face today quite a bit, and will be posting pictures soon. I can't help but be a bit disappointed when I look at her pale face in the dim lighting in our bedroom. There are so many colors that I layed down to show the curves and shadows upon her face and yet, in the artificial lighting she looks as pale as a ghost. I stepped back from my work quite a bit today, but I guess I need to take a better look at it tomorrow during the day. I realize that the proper lighting is everything, however it looks as if the contours of her face are just flat white right now...it is kind of funny though...work with nothing to show for it, no physical proof.
My new profession: a ghost painter. I paint and paint all day, and nothing changes. Ha! Better luck tomorrow.
My new profession: a ghost painter. I paint and paint all day, and nothing changes. Ha! Better luck tomorrow.
dim lighting,
ghost painter,
pale face,
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