Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday Madness: I am techie.

First of all, Happy 4th of July to all of the United States of America resident readers!  Fireworks, parades, good drink, and laughter for all!  Happy Independence Day!  Cheers!

Currently, I have limited time as I am currently dying my hair - my roots were getting not so as I look at the clock, I have about 10 minutes more for this entry.

Okay- go!

MONDAY MADNESS:  I am techie...

The reason for this is because it's been a kind of funny past 12 hours.  Late last night I couldn't sleep and found myself drawing and then trying to figure out all of Etsy's features for my site.  I have never been that incredibly great at computers.  We're friendly, but not close.
I saw this amazingly cool feature to put on blogs and websites that would feature current things I had for sale in OnePebbleStudio.  I though it looked brilliant and fun and so it was a must have in the middle of the wee morning hours.  So here I was copying and pasting this HTML stuff and then wondering where the heck to put it...

Should I paste it over here by this symbol..or wait, this "&c?;/*" looks like a good place...

I have NO idea how, but I ended up posting it correctly on my main website!  Hooray!  I smiled with triumph, and thought geesh, this is not a problem at all!  Presto!  On to my blog now - it can't be that much more difficult...

On another note, today my Mom was introduced to Twitter.  We were on the phone together while she was signing up, and seriously, my Mom is the funniest woman in the world!  First off, she joined due to the Casey Anthony Trial in order to get notice when the jurors reach the verdict, and that was her ONLY reason. hahaha!  Secondly, it was asking her to choose her first ten people/interests to follow.  She was satisfied with three (Vinnie Politan, Nancy Grace, and me...I think I'm lucky to have made her first round!).  Finally, her stubbornness wore out and she added Dr. Phil, Sylvia Browne, and Barefoot Contessa. For some reason I find her picks absolutely marvelous and hilarious!  They are so freaking perfect for her, that it kills me!

Then something FANTASTIC happened!  My MOTHER taught me how to send a message ON TWITTER!!  I am ridiculously proud and it was a great moment!  This is coming from a woman who just a few years ago, accidentally had her printer speaking out loud in German(and had no idea how she did it and how to shut it up).  It was a proud day!  So, thank you, Mom, you definitely made my morning an absolute blast!  Love ya!  :)

So if you're wondering where the fun Etsy gadget is, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page...yes, the very bottom and enjoy the laugh.

I got so mad that I didn't understand where it was or how to put it where I wanted it, so I ended up just happy that it even made an appearance.  And guess what- it's staying was frustrating enough just to put it there! ha!  Looks like crap, but it works.

1 comment:

A said...

If you want help on how to add it to your sidebar, hit me up!

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