Friday, March 16, 2012

Secret Obsession

I have a confession to make.  I have a secret obsession with looking at artist studios and how they are organized.  I am fascinated. 

I know this may sound especially lame.  It's not sexual or romantic or exotic.  It's not super weird like an obsession of sleeping with a hairdryer or drinking gasoline.  However, I think an artist studio is highly personal and an intimate way of seeing how different brains work.

Here are some artist studios that caught my eye online (the last one is of Francis Bacon's studio in London):

Some of the studios are tidy with clean surfaces all around.  Others are messy and cluttered.  When I look at these images, I think about the way the artists work and think.  It's easy to spot those who work in a soothing, calm manner and others who prefer a more rapid speed teetering on the brink of chaos. 

Looking at artist studios is going beyond looking at interior design.  Interior design can tell a lot about what people enjoy and what moods they favor, but any space that one creates in tells more about how their mind actually works.  It can tell a great deal about how they organize information and what comforts and inspires them.

It doesn't have to be an artist studio either.  Any space that one creates in can tell a story of how their mind works - my Dad's garage (organized logically, with a bit of clutter on the workbench, but he always knows EXACTLY where to find everything!), my Aunt's Connie's Kitchen (designed with an amazing organizational system with everything having it's own space - it's absolutely amazing and I've never seen any other space better organized anywhere!) and my Great Grandfather's pole building (perhaps could have been seen on hoarders, and yet, the man was able to find everything with amazing efficiency).

What does your creative space say about how you organize information or the way you work?  Is there an enviroment where you have trouble creating?


Little bit of blue said...

Hi krystal, Thanks for your nice comment on my Blog, Yes I too love to see where people work. The Bacon studio is now on permanent display in a Gallery in Dublin.Lucky you living in Portland it's on my wish list of places to visit.

Krystal Booth said...

Hello, Eithna -

Thank you for the information - I didn't know that it was on permanent display. Have you been able to visit it yet? Also, I feel the same way about Ireland! Thank you for posting, and congratulations on your show! I truly enjoy your work.


Rahbird said...

The last one is I'd know that insanity anywhere lol. I should send you pics of my little corner of my brain.

Krystal Booth said...

I bet your space has a lot of fun and interesting things in it because you are so versatile in media! I would love to see your brain, (aka studio)!

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