Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Artist's Way- Week One's Delectable Purge

Week One in One Word:  PURGE!

Good Things about this Week:      Morning Pages
                                                    Old Madonna Videos
                                                    Task #5:  Letter to the Editor

Bad Things about this Week:        Morning Pages
                                                   Trying to Resist Going to Chapter 2 before I completed wk 1 tasks!!!

Morning pages, morning pages, and more morning pages.  They were fun, they were boring, they were satisfying, they were meaningless.  I established the morning pages writing activity as a friendly way to celebrate the beginning of each new day.  I turned on my Beethoven station on Pandora, filled a cup of coffee and wrote out three pages.  Some days I greeted it with zest, but let's face it- I'm truly NOT a morning person.  Some days were better than others.  I think the trick is to not overthink the words that are manifesting themselves on the paper.  It's almost like a morning purge of old thoughts and gaining some space for the new.  I noticed that I seemed to have a pattern:  the first page was neutral, the second page was a bit negative, and the third page was positive in tone and attitude.  Very strange.  Did anyone else sense a pattern in their morning pages?

As for the tasks this week, I absolutely adored the fifth one- writing a Letter to the Editor and mailing it to yourself.  It was entertaining and extremely therapeutic.  I felt as if I had feng shui-ed my brain and ridded it of some rubbish I had held onto for years.  It felt amazing.  I sent it off in the mail, but I haven't recieved it yet.  I'm wondering what it will be like when I read it again.

Cheers to reading Chapter Two today!

I'm wondering how Week One went for you?  What were the good points or the bad points?


A said...

I have hit a little snag. Besides all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, for the life of me I can't find my copy of the book. LOL

I have all the supplemental books, but the actual book itself seems to be hiding. Hopefully I can find it soon and get started!

Krystal Booth said...

Lilith- LOL Hopefully it turns up so you don't have to go buy it all over again! Whatta bummer! I'll be trying to send some good luck your way! :)

A said...

Thanks Krystal. It seems your good luck worked because I found the book last night!

Krystal Booth said...

Lilith- So glad to hear that!!! Perfect!

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