Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Artist's Way

Back in the day, I only read a few excerpts from this book, The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, and then put it aside.  It refuses to be ignored any longer.  I was researching artist groups in Portland and I noticed that there were groups focused upon this book, and then when I was referred to it by a friend (Thank you Kendra!) the next day, I knew that I was supposed to read it.  NOW.  I bought my copy that night, and so it begins...

I have signed a contract with myself to complete the twelve-week course in the book.  I have officially started as of today, and will be posting about any progress or awfulness I find over the next twelve weeks on Sundays. 

I will say that while reading chapter one, I did have somewhat of a revelation about my critic-(that jerk of a negative voice inside our heads that tells us that we suck regardless of proof otherwise).  It was just a simple exercise of writing "I, ________ , am a brilliant and prolific _(whatever you do)_"  ten times and to listen to what the critic says while you are writing this simple sentence.  Write down what the critic says and then think about where that came from- sibling/parent/teacher/friend/etc..  Once finished, turn the critic's statement into an affirmation by making it positive.  I have to admit it's cheesy, but I'll try anything for the sake of building up some confidence with my work.

The surprising part for me- I didn't know that I have let one person in particular have so much power over me that their statements are still playing in my head...and it's been a long time!  Three out of the five where from the same source, and I found it shocking that I have those statements so ingrained into my head that they popped up during this short exercise!  I'll be happy to let them go!  I'm hoping that the affirmations work.

Anyway, if you have time, try this exercise no matter your occupation or interests- I'm wondering if you'll find it as eye opening as I did-  Feel free to post!  Also, if you're interested in reading this book along with me for this twelve week journey(or if you've already read it), I'd love to hear what you think of it too!


A said...

I have this book, and the accompanying journal, and the morning pages. I have never used them though.

Might have to go dig them out and join you in this, if you don't mind a tag-a-long!

Kendra said...

Yay, Krystal! I am totally geeked! I may do this as well! I have never read the thing entirely through, but found that it had a lot of inspirational things to say. Awesome job, you make me smile!

Krystal Booth said...

I am so excited that you two may do this with me! Maybe we can somehow post comments back and forth as we go through it- I know I'll want to know your perspectives!

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