Wednesday, March 13, 2013


"I see myself as standing very much in battle against a whole lot of others who have found a way of working which for me denies the central essence of art, its humanity and its humanness.  Their art doesn't tell us about the deepest and most profound ideas of human beings in contact with other human beings."
-Leonard Baskin (1922- 2000)
A work by Leonard Baskin.
Over the past few days and several train rides of thought on the Max, I'm rethinking my approach to the September Issue series, or continuing the root of thought in a different direction.  Maybe this is a transformation of the series or maybe just a different viewpoint - one more personal.  I'm thinking going more personal is always a good thing - a closer view is more interesting than looking from a distance most of the time.
Today I'm not feeling as awesome as most days - a sore swollen throat and an achy head can do that.  I am confining myself to the comfort of our home and a couple of books I've been reading - the Audrey Flack one I mentioned a couple of posts ago and getting more education from "The Business of Art" by Lee Caplin (30th Anniversary Edition).
What have you been reading lately?  Hope you have a good day, and thank you for stopping in.

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