Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ode to Friendship

A new portrait of my best friend, Samm.

Portrait of Samm, 2013
Oil on canvas, 9x12"
Krystal Booth
I'm very excited about sending this to him.  Until then, I'm still waiting for the paint to dry a bit more.  I also would like to try to get a better photograph of it before sending it off. 
Samm and I love to tell people that we were born together.  Our mutual friends are all probably very sick and tired of how special we think it is, but darn it, it is special.  We were born in the blizzard of '78 in January.  Our mothers knew eachother, but were surprised to see eachother in the hospital - "Pat!  What are you doing here?"  "About to have a baby!  What are you doing here, Karol?"  "About to have a baby too!"  They were probably the only two mothers laughing while in labor during a blizzard.
Samm and I ended up being the only two babies in the nursery.  His cone head, and my scratched up face with new mittons covering my hands, we enjoyed spending our first few hours on earth side by side.  Well, maybe not exactly enjoyed, but there has never been many minutes that pass when we are together that have not been spent laughing and genuinely enjoying each other's company. 
What's also funny is that when we look back, we don't remember anyone ever telling us that we were born together when we were little.  We always just knew as we went through elementary school together.  Maybe we're romantic in thinking that way, but I really think that we are some sort of partners for life.  Maybe we had it all planned out before we even arrived.
Currently we live across the country from one another, but modern technology is the greatest of things.
Thank you for allowing me to share this with you, and I hope that you are blessed with friendships and love that no amount of distance or time can erode.
Goodnight, and love to all -

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