Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Seven Year Itch

I just completed this portrait of my sweetheart of almost seven years -

Portrait of Matthew, 2013
Oil on canvas, 9x12"
Krystal Booth
I can't believe we've been together that long - time has gone by so quickly!  He's the most kind-hearted and patient man I've ever met (besides my father), and I'm a lucky gal.  (Hopefully a Marilyn Monroe type will not move into the apartment building soon- no thank you to the Seven Year Itch phenomenon, though it was a lovely movie).  He's great looking (my friend Sarah and I nicknamed him "Hot Matt" when we first met him), so I'm sure she would fall in love with him.  Thank goodness he thinks so much of me - I try to show him how ridiculous I am, but he loves me despite my lack of patience when I'm tired at night, and my seeing humor in anything and everything that could be inappropriate or boring to others.  Luckily, he's just as bad as I am.  Humor is the tie that binds as we laugh like bastards at lame jokes and at the bad dancing/singing we do in our living room. :)
On a different note, over the course of this next week, there will be a new listing in my Etsy shop for custom portraits.  I look forward to creating these small paintings for others and their loved ones.  I'm truly excited to create for others in this way, and will keep you posted about when it is up and running.
Cheers to love and creating!  Love to all -

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