"Harlow and The Nature of Love" 2010
Graphite on Paper. 8.5x5.5"
This is the first of a drawing series I just started based on psychological tests of the Twentieth Century. I'm still not sure if I will title this drawing that way, but for now it will do.
"Opening Skinner's Box: Great psychological experiments of the Twentieth Century" (2004) by Lauren Slater is the muse of this series- I highly suggest this read! I'm going to do one drawing per chapter/psychological test which will end up being ten drawings total. I'm hoping to get the entire series done by the beginning of January or before that.
I'm hearing the Biography channel say "Krystal Booth was a prolific artist by creating different series of work at the same time." ha! The truth is I feel I need the practice THAT BAD! If I want to get better, I cannot go at the pace that I did while I was teaching...which was seriously one painting per four months. At that rate, I found that I lost some of the progress I was making when I first graduated college. I wasn't getting better.
Let's face it- we only so much time on this Earth and it's up to us to accomplish how much we want to accomplish. The time is not slowing. I am frantically trying to keep up...maybe not as amazing as fancy pants Vincent van Gogh with his showoff of 200 paintings in a year, but I'm pushing ahead of where I was.
LOL- Sorry, no monkey this time. :)
Oh, that show-off Van Gogh...
But I totally agree. Seize the day! I'm eager to see everything when it's done!
(P.S. It's me, Kendra, I'm logged in under Michael's account). I'm stalking your blog. ;-)
Heeheehee! Is it wrong that I'm happy about being stalked? lol
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