Monday, May 23, 2011

Maya Angelou and Pablo Picasso: My Descent into Madness


My, my, my...the past 24 hours have been a journey of sorts.  I was recalling what Maya Angelou said in the television special of "MasterClass" on OWN.  It was an extremely inspiring hour of listening to her wise voice telling of her learning experiences in life.  One thing really stuck with me over all else, and it was the following, which I happened to repost on facebook last night...

I've absorbed this over the past month, and am beginning to feel that words are little energy entities that we send out into the universe.  Negative or Positive, they have power and consequence.  We are casting magic spells to the things and people around us by the words we use.  No matter our intent, by talking, we give those we talk about more power...along the same lines as "bad publicity is good publicity".  If people are talking about a particular thing/person, we are giving that thing/person more power.  We can see this in recent news - Lady Gaga supassing Oprah in terms of star power and influence. 

I started to think about this in terms of my art last night, and wouldn't you just know it?  I came up with a crazy idea, that yes, dwelt on the negative, but had a humorous spin.  To paint it, or not to paint it?  Sometimes ideas lose their meaning over time, and I think it's because someone else is meant to come up with that idea.  That idea was not originally for me as an end solution, and was just a part of my journey to get to the idea that IS for me.  Time and idea development will tell if I am meant to do this series that's in my head or not.  None the less,  do I really want to send more "negative" out into the world?

Then I think about some of my favorite works.  "Guernica" and "Charnel House" by Pablo Picasso instantly come to mind.  They show negative.  They show lack of humanity, chaos, and the overwhelming grotesqueness of what we can do to eachother in times of war.  However,  he did this to show that our actions have consequences, and to try to prevent further inhumane actions by those who viewed the work.  It was to show what had happened, and to send a kind of warning to the world.

Charnel House, 1945. Pablo Picasso

Guernica, 1937. Pablo Picasso

SO...because of his intentions, is it actually a positive energy that he sent out by creating these works?

I'll readily admit that anger often guides my way on what to paint next.  I use it as a guide, but I wouldn't describe my works as "angry".  I have made angry works before (during college), and then I never looked at them again.  They were more like therapy exercises than they were art I'm proud I created.  I have changed and gone away from that direct approach to angry issues - afterall, my intention was not to bring others down.

Does humor work to turn the negative into positive?  Make it appear foolish, or will that just make it more vicious?  Hmmmm....

I realize that this is not a "typical" Monday Madness entry - but I feel like my struggle to understand the complexities of positive and negative words and energies is making me go into the descent of "madness".  Mwahahahaha!! (a 'crazy' laugh in print for you).  I keep questioning and questioning!

So what are your thoughts on any or all of this?  I would really like to get some other opinions, and perspectives on this.  Thank you for reading, and I look forward to hearing what YOU think!

'Til we meet again - Cheers to the gray areas- they enlighten us!

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