Thursday, May 12, 2011

So I Lied.

Supposedly, I was taking a hiatus from this blog for exactly one year. 

Then, I looked on the analytics of this blog this morning just out of curiousity- I haven't checked them since February -  and good grief, I'm letting people down!  I'm happy that so many people have checked out this blog lately, but know that because there is nothing new here, they leave quickly.

Originally, I was going to take a year just to do my thing...perhaps, not.  Besides that, I always have a difficult time being quiet for long periods of time.  So for all intensive purposes, let the writing begin again!  I am renewed enough to give it a go anyway! 

So recently I've been reading a book about Egon Shiele by Frank Whitford.

I can't say that I'm extremely far into it, but I've learned Schiele was heavily influenced by Gustav Klimt.  It doesn't take an art historian to tell you that, because they do have this similarity of line and composition.  When I was in college, I always confused them with each other.  I had no idea though that Klimt actually helped Schiele get started and into shows.  I had no idea that they knew one another that well.

Before all of you arty-smarty peeps make fun of me, I truly never studied Schiele in college.  He was not covered.  Granted, yes, I should have conducted my own research, but I was researching in a different direction back then.  I kind of ignored him along with Klimt.  It hasn't been until the past year that his work has really appealed to me, and I feel foolish for overlooking him for this long. 

His lines, his lines, how I love the lines he makes!  He makes everything look so fragile, wounded, and raw.  He makes it look like they are all just so vulnerable, and needing some compassion.  All of this just from the line.  Crazy how he captures it all like that without a ridiculous amount of detail.

I don't know if he was a jerk or not yet, but I'm betting not.  We'll see.
One thing is for sure though, I love his hair!  Kind of crazy scientist look, which is always fun!

What artists do you really get into, or like to read about?  I would love to hear who you look to for inspiration, or for stories!


A said...

Welcome back!

Krystal Booth said...

Thank you!! Glad to be back!!

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